Ofsted Good Provider

A Fond Farewell!

A Fond Farewell!

It was with a huge sense of pride as well as sorrow that we bid farewell to our year 11 today. What a fantastic year group they have been and we could not be more filled with joy at their success.
This year group acted with admirable maturity and resilience to cope with online learning - although it did provide opportunities for them to see all sorts of things that they wouldn't normally when a teacher's cat kept walking on the keyboard and staff juggled crying children, doorbells and wobbly wifi with live lessons! It was also a time when we did our fancy dress 'Feel Good Friday' to make our students smile at home as we all threw ourselves into it with Mr Gibson as Mario; Mrs Ingram a nun and Mrs Muldowney a full-on rocker! We truly missed our students and couldn't wait for them to be back in the building with us as one family.
We also celebrated our Pride event with music and dance and just to see the joy of students celebrating and giving thanks to the NHS for all that we had been through was truly poignant. More students than ever took part in enrichment from winning national awards with the Maths Challenge to braving all sorts of weather with the Duke of Edinburgh. Staff ran revision at all times of the day and students attended breakfast, lunch and after-school clubs to close gaps in learning from their time away.
We all agree it has been a privilege to teach year 11 and guide them through to the exams and celebrate today, with the age-old tradition of signing shirts, assembly, laughter and tears and staff out in full support wishing everyone the best of luck for the future.
With record numbers of students staying on at sixth form, we know that many of our students will be back with us in September but for those heading off to college and to do apprenticeships, as Mr Gibson said today, you are always part of our North family and we want you to come back and tell us how you have got on and where life has taken you: the door is always open to you.
In the meantime, we know you will be topping up the tans; shining the shoes; painting nails and ironing suits as we can't wait to see you at the Prom! It will be a night to remember and a final chance for one last time together as a year group. 
Best of luck to all of our year group; aim for the stars and carry on building those rockets because your hard work pays off!

