Ofsted Good Provider



At North Bromsgrove High School we are very dedicated to providing opportunities for every student to succeed.

If students have barriers to their learning, we will endeavour to overcome them together.  

Our teachers and teaching assistants work closely to provide quality first teaching in all lessons and this is enhanced by resources such as designated learning spaces, supervised lunch space with kitchen, a specific SEND classroom plus in-class support such as reading pens and laptops.


Assistant Headteacher - SENCO

 Mrs R. Jenkinson - rje@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

 Click on this link for access to our SEN Policy and Accessibility Policy  

SEN Worcestershire Local Offer 

SEND Padlet 

School SEND Information Report 

Parent Carer Ambassador Voluntary Job Description 

PCA Network Presentation 

parental send24.pdf