Ofsted Good Provider

Dress Code

Dress Code

A high standard of dress is important at North Bromsgrove High School and Sixth Form.

Our dress code is appropriate for a school which is a professional, working environment where Sixth Form students are seen as role models for those in the lower school.

Dress Code:

• Suit comprising trousers, jacket (optional), shirt and tie (optional).
• Formal trousers or skirt with a smart suit jacket (optional) and a blouse, shirt or
top, or formal style dress.
• Skirts must be of a reasonable length.
• Students may wear a jumper or cardigan plain in colour.
Shoes: formal footwear is required from all students


Students must wear their ID lanyards at all times.

Items of clothing not permitted:

• Jeans / leggings
• Polo shirts
• Hoodies / sweatshirts / fleeces
• Sportswear
• Revealing tops / crop tops / short skirts
• Trainers / Converse / boots / canvas shoes

We ask that adherence to the dress code does not present an issue and does not result in conflict between staff and students. Our priorities and focus within school are student wellbeing and academic progress.
Any student in persistent breach of the dress code will be asked to return home to change into appropriate attire and a phone call will be made to parent(s)/carer(s).