Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is a major part of life at North Bromsgrove High School and large numbers of students each year dedicate an enormous number of hours to expeditions, sports, helping the local community and learning new skills.
The DofE programme supports our own CARE values in school and provides a different type of educational experience, promoting self-growth and resilience.
Over the last academic year, our collective NBHS social value through volunteering with DofE amounted to 897 hours and equating to £4314.
Our programme is well embedded and continues to grow in strength and popularity at all award levels.
What is the DofE?
The DofE is an award scheme which is achievable by anyone – as long as you can show commitment to completing activities and are ready for life-changing adventure.
You make it: The DofE is as unique as you are and will be a different experience for everyone.
At each level, the award is made of four sections, with an additional section at Gold.
Take action and make a difference to the causes you care about!
Help others and change things for the better.
Volunteering is all about making a difference to others’ lives. Maybe you’re interested in animals or conservation? Or you want to raise money for a cause that means a lot to you?
From coaching a local football team to starting a recycling campaign, you’ll give up your time to help others and change things for the better.
It’s extremely rewarding — and it can give you the chance to experience the world of work.
Take part in whatever dance, sport or fitness activity you would like.
Get fitter and have fun along the way!
Try something completely different or concentrate on something you already do, as long as it requires a continuous level of energy and physical activity.
From Zumba to football, skateboarding to walking, almost any dance, sport or fitness activity can count.
You can decide to join a team or do it on your own — it’s up to you.
Skills Section
Devote yourself to improving your skills in the things you love to do.
Discover new passions and develop talents you didn’t know you had!
If you’re interested in a specific field, this could be the perfect chance for you to do something related to this. For example, if you’re interested in photography, you could do this as your skill.
You can grow your confidence and develop practical and social skills while learning how to rise to a challenge.
Explore the great outdoors and spend nights away from home.
Create memories that will last a lifetime!
Exploring the countryside and camping under the stars with your friends. Your expedition will give you lifelong memories.
As part of a small team, you’ll plan your aim and do some training to make sure you’re prepared and know what you’re doing — then spend two days and one night away at Bronze, three days and two nights away at Silver, and 4 days and 3 nights award at Gold. At Silver and Gold level, you will also undertake a practice expedition before your qualifying expedition.
Your expedition will improve your communication and leadership skills. You’ll come home with a rucksack full of washing — and an experience you won’t forget.
Residential (Gold Award Only)
Spend five days and four nights away from home.
Share experiences and create new connections.
Your residential will be an experience of your choice. This might be adventurous, or it may involve helping others or the environment as part of a project.
Your residential will help you create new friendships and skills to develop you as a person.
You'll need to find and book your own residential activity. Have a look at the different opportunities on offer here: https://www.dofe.org/opportunity-finder/opportunity-for-dofe-participant/?paged=1&type_opp=residential&level=gold
Resources and Information
Bronze Parents Meeting Info 2025
Silver Parents Meeting Info 2025
You can log all your activity and evidence through eDofE here: www.edofe.org/
You can also access eDofE through the free DofE App.
For support with using the DofE App, guidance videos can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D80IGvCwbhM
Further guidance videos for eDofE and the DofE App can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@theDofEUK
Evidencing your Section Activities
You can download Activity Log templates here: https://www.dofe.org/do/activitylogs/
You can ask your Assessors to upload their Report for your section through the portal here: https://www.dofe.org/assessor/
Preparing for the Expedition
The Expedition Kit list, with recommendations from the DofE, can be found here: https://www.dofe.org/shopping/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/DofE-Expedition-Kit-List-Jan-22.pdf
You will receive a DofE Card which offers discounts at five DofE Recommended Retailers once you’ve signed in to your eDofE account.
Our Activity Provider will supply the following equipment, so you won’t need to purchase or borrow any of these items:
- Tents
- Camping stoves
- Camping stove fuel
- Cooking pans
- Trowel
- Maps
- Compass
- Map Cases
Please note students are not to carry pocket tools or sharp knives.
If you have any questions about the DofE Award Scheme at North Bromsgrove High School, please contact Miss Butterworth.