Prospectus & Sixth Form Open Evening
Our post-16 team would like to wish you a very warm welcome as you consider your next steps with us.
As you move towards the end of Year 11 and your GCSE courses, you have some key decisions to make; you do, however, have choices and it is important to make the right ones for you.
Our Sixth Form aims to develop your academic success from GCSE and enable you to access the best post-18 pathway for you, whether that be University and Higher Education, apprenticeship or employment. With this aim at the heart of our academic and pastoral guidance, we are offering a range of Level 3 courses this year. Our 16-19 programmes of study were judged to be ‘Good’ by Ofsted in 2019 and all of the courses we deliver can lead to university entrance, as well as serving as a good grounding for the world of work.
However, our focus is not only on academic excellence, but on the whole person and the skills you will need to progress in life. North Bromsgrove’s CARE ethos - Community, Aspiration, Resilience and Endeavour- are strongly embedded in our Sixth Form programme. We offer challenge and rigour alongside the support required to ensure that students are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential. Our strong pastoral provision is delivered by a team of expert tutors, supported by a student service administrator. Furthermore, a comprehensive enrichment programme provides focus on employability and valuable life skills.
We will ensure that your transition from Year 11 into Year 12 is smooth and well informed. You will have the opportunity to discuss your choices as part of the application process and attend taster days where you will experience what it is really like to be a Year 12 student.
We look forward to you joining our vibrant post-16 community and embracing every opportunity on offer.
Dan Taylor
Director of Sixth Form

Choosing the right Sixth Form takes time and is one of the most important decisions that any student will make. North Bromsgrove is a
13-18 High School in which we strive for academic excellence and offer an education which seeks to develop the ‘whole person’ within a caring and supportive environment and we are proud that our sixth-form students are at the forefront, leading the lower school with their high aspirational goals, resilience and a sense of integrity. There is a shared moral imperative by all members of our school to deliver an inclusive education, within our state-of-the-art facilities, which ensures that ‘everyone succeeds’. We are committed to delivering the highest standards of teaching and learning, and we are proud that Ofsted, have judged that our sixth form ‘is well led’ and that ‘teaching and learning in the post- 16 provision are of a high quality.’
Our school motto ‘Abeunt Studia in Mores’ is lived out day to day by an enormous range of opportunities beyond the classroom. Our enrichment programme fosters endeavour and commitment, which complement leadership, teamwork, trust and kindness. This blend of academic and enrichment activities ensures every sixth former can grow and develop, preparing them for their first steps into the post-18 world.
The prospectus can only provide you with a glimpse of our wonderful Sixth Form. Please take time to visit the virtual tour on offer through our website and we look forward to welcoming you to our Open Evening, at the earliest opportunity, to discover the unique education and range of opportunities North Bromsgrove has to offer.
Nick Gibson
Our broad and balanced curriculum ensures that we offer a range of post-16 courses, all taught within our state-of-the-art facilities. Our Sixth Form Centre includes three refurbished Sixth-Form study rooms, incorporating kitchen facilities, study desks with charging ports and large screen monitors used for presentations and streaming current affairs. In addition, the outdoor terrace is a popular spot for study in better weather. All year 12 students are also provided with Notebook computers to support them throughout their studies.
Our facilitating subjects, including Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics and Spanish, are always popular and provide our students with a clear pathway to applications for Russell Group Universities. Furthermore, we offer a growing range of open subjects, such as Sports Studies, Criminology, Health Studies and Applied Biology, ensuring that all of our learners can access the post-18 study pathway most suited to their future careers. This is complemented by the EPQ, the UCAS- accredited Extended Project Qualification, which allows students to explore a subject or field of research of their choice. Please ensure that you view the course booklet to see the full range of subjects on offer.
The Future
Our students enjoy a seamless transition to their post- 18 pathways, whether it be university, employment or apprenticeship.
All Sixth-Form students are guided into making the right individual decisions for their futures by a strong pastoral team. Encounters with employers, higher- education providers and work-based activities are a regular feature of the Sixth-Form calendar, allowing our students to explore a range of options before they make their choices. With well-qualified teachers and a strong record of supporting our students with their successful progression to Oxbridge and Russell Group Universities, as well as apprenticeships and employment, every young person leaves us ready for their next steps.
Enrichment is a crucial part of our community and Sixth Form students are central to this, driving and participating in a wide range of activities. We are proud of developing well-rounded young people equipped to deal with life in the 21st Century, who take responsibility and serve as positive role models for the Lower School.
Alongside academic study, enrichment activities are key to enhancing employability and providing work life balance as well as developing adaptability, independence and resilience skills.
Enrichment Opportunities include:
• Duke of Edinburgh
• House Activities
• NCS (National Citizen Service)
• Oxbridge Summer Schools
• University lectures and visits
• Young Enterprise triple award winners
• Work experience
• Peer-mentoring
• IT and media support
• School productions
• Music performances
• Geography field trips
• Cultural exchanges
There are also plenty of student leadership opportunities, including Head Student and Deputy, Head Prefect and a team of Senior Prefects and Subject Ambassadors. In addition, our Sixth-Form Council actively supports and drives the voice of their Lower-School counterparts.
Click the image below to open the prospectus PDF.