Ofsted Good Provider

Your Pastoral Team

In order to ensure that we are a truly inclusive school, embodying our Care Curriculum and ensuring that all students have the support that they need at all times, we have a large pastoral team that are here to support our young people as they journey through their GCSEs and A Levels.

Led by Mrs Hodgson (Deputy Headteacher – Pastoral), Mrs Jenkinson (AHT – SENCO) and Mr Taylor (AHT – Sixth Form), Mrs Franklin – (Pastoral Lead/DDSL)

Mrs Ingram - Senior Deputy Headteacher/ DDSL

Mrs Brierley - Associate Assistant Headteacher - Attendance and Wellbeing

Miss Dugmore - Head of Year 11

Mrs Hateley - Head of Year 9

Mrs Smith – House Lead 

Mrs Eyre – Pastoral Manager Sixth Form/DDSL

Miss Prescott – Student Welfare Officer/DDSL

Ms Hendry and Miss Beard – Attendance Team

Mr Pincher – Student Mentor/DDSL

Mrs Reeves – Pastoral Support

Tutor List 


Pastoral Care

Visitors to the school often remark upon the positive relationships between staff and students. We recognise that students have different needs and respond to challenges in a variety of ways. The committed contributions of our Pastoral Team of form tutors, Progress Leaders and our Student Support Team supports the growth and development of all students. They focus on all aspects of students’ welfare and involvement in school life. Your daughter's/son's form tutor will monitor progress in academic work and will ensure that they benefit in as many ways as possible from an education at North Bromsgrove High School.

There is the opportunity to be referred in relation to mental and physical health through the school nurse. Counsellors and mentors are also available where needed and Progress Leaders will liaise as appropriate.

Adolescence can be a turbulent time for teenagers as well as for parents. Effective communication between home and school can ensure any difficulties are jointly resolved. You are encouraged to contact your daughter/son's form tutor to share information, seek advice or raise concerns.

Parents are kept informed as to their daughter/son's progress through regular progress reviews and an annual parent consultation evening. As well as a range of other events. Please see the school calendar for more information.

Please see our Early Help Statement HERE.

 To find out who the staff are within the Pastoral Team please click here 

Attendance & Behaviour Team

 Attendance Admin Ms Hendry and Ms Beard - attendance@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

Student Welfare - Ms Prescott - MPR@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

Heads of Year

Mrs Hateley - SHT@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk


Miss Dugmore - SDU@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

Mrs Eyre - GEY@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

Behaviour and Welfare Leads:

Mrs Franklin - RFA@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

Mrs Brierley - KBR@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

House Lead - Mrs Smith - FSI@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

SEN Team

Mrs Jenkinson - rje@northbromsgrove.worcs.sch.uk

We are a Trauma Informed School

A trauma informed school is one that is able to support children and teenagers who suffer with trauma or mental health problems and whose troubled behaviour acts as a barrier to learning.

We have staff trained in key conversational skills in addressing and making sense of what has happened to a child.  The training staff have undergone is born out of a response to major public health studies that have shown that when children who have suffered several painful life experiences, are unhelped, there is a very high chance of them going on to suffer severe mental and physical ill-health.

North Bromsgrove High School Trauma Informed School