Careers Newsletter
Here's the link to our first Careers Newsletter, signposting our students and parents/carers to a wide range of Careers information pertinent to their year groups. The Newsletter has already gone out to parents and is making its way to students via Classcharts too.
In addition, the link to our Careers Learning Journey is below. It is an outline of all of the activities that we are planning to deliver during the academic year. Although it covers a variety of activities, it outlines the 'minimum offer' for our students - there will be plenty of other activities running on top of these from term to term. At the moment, we are able to deliver all of the activities remotely - please ask your tutor group to check Classcharts regularly for updates and activities. Furthermore, our Twitter page is updated very regularly @careersNorthBr1
Finally, 8-13th February is National Apprenticeship Week, followed by Science Week and National Careers Week in March. There are lots of activities planned and more info will follow.