Ofsted Good Provider

Empathetic & Caring Students at North

Empathetic & Caring Students at North

These words from the Thomas Pocklington Trust make us so proud of our students. The Thomas Pocklington Trust is a national charity that supports blind and partially sighted people with a focus on Education, Employment and Engagement. We were honoured that they asked for our help in producing a film to allow blind and partially-sighted children and young people to prepare for being in secondary education. 
The film focuses on five key areas that affect the sight of visually impaired children and young people and allows them to see what it is like in a school environment with day-to-day activities such as moving between lessons, going into the canteen and navigating classrooms. 

The film is a valuable tool for not only the children themselves but for our school community to have a greater understanding of the challenges faced by some of their peers, friends and families. As one student said, 'My Nan has cataracts and I didn't realise until I watched this what it was like to see through her eyes. I feel like I've had a glimpse into what it is like for her every day and I know I can help her more now I realise what she can see'.
