Ofsted Good Provider

Fantastic start at North

Fantastic start at North!

The staff were eagerly anticipating the arrival of our new year 9 and this year we have more students than ever! With the school’s increasing popularity and academic success, we have increased our staff to accommodate the additional numbers. 


Year 9 students settled into their forms with immaculate uniform. One visitor in on the day commented how you could feel the ‘sense of pride’ the students portrayed as they walked around school. 


Bringing in packed lunches is working well and eating outdoors in the fresh air. With new pastoral managers in place for each year group and progress leaders, as well as senior staff out at lunchtimes, it was lovely to see students mingling and saying hello to the adults in their playgrounds.


Our advice is to plan a quiet weekend after the first full week as we know the tiredness following the routine will start to be felt. Many thanks to our ever supportive parents who, like us, want the very best for their child.