Ofsted Good Provider

House Team 2024-25


A new academic year at North Bromsgrove meant we were on the lookout for a new House Team to lead our four Houses to success this year. Announcements of the roles available were given out in House assemblies with students signposted on how they could apply for a leadership role within their House. 

The roles on offer to students were as follows:

House Captains - Year 12 and 13

Sports Captains – Year 9, 10 and 11

House Council Representatives – Year 9, 10 and 11

The applications came flooding in with over 90 applications in total amongst the four Houses! The deadline came for all applications and Mrs Smith along with other members of staff began reading through all of the applications. It was a tough job with the quality of our students shining through within each application. Short lists were made, and then final decisions were cemented, and the results were announced in House Updates during tutor time. 

We would like to say a huge well done and thank you to everyone who applied!

The new team have now met as one group to be congratulated by Mr Gibson on their success in securing a House leadership role and have received their House badges to wear on their blazers.  

We wish them all the luck in their new roles for this academic year. May the best House win!