Top 1.5% of Maths' Students Nationally
As you will know, our Maths team is a real strength in the school and staff continue to teach students at all levels, fantastic outcomes and confidence in this subject. Our congratulations go to Anaya in Year 10 who competed in a national maths competition and has made in through to the Mathematics Summer School in August along with the top 1.5% of students nationally who made it to the highest level. What an achievement!
We are also very proud of our very own Mr Man, who has represented the school at a national maths conference, sponsored by AQA, to train other teachers on how to deliver a smooth transition to A Level Maths and build the confidence early on to get the best outcomes at 6th form.
Maths A Level at school is very popular at 6th form and with such talented staff and a subject that lends itself to supporting professions in medicine, accountancy and business, it is no wonder our staff are presenting at national conferences as our A Level students do so well!
Well done to Mr Man and Anaya.